Documentary formats: texts

La sortie des usines Lumière is a short documentary that consists of one scene where workers are leaving the Lumière factory. The camera is stationary outside the factory as hundreds of people begin to leave. I believe that this documentary is telling the truth. My reason to believe this is down to the camera's position and the workers, you can see on the workers face they are some what shocked to see a camera recording. There is also no voice over, so no opinion is given just a view of what happens, there is no explanation and no argument during the documentary. 

The second documentary we watched is called NightMail by Harry Watt and Basil Wright. Its based on the London, Midland and Scottish railway. I don't believe that this documentary is completely authentic and truthful, my reason for this is halfway through the documentary when the post has reached certain destinations a man is pulling three levers, as he pulls the second lever camera trickery is used, the three shots are match on action shots. When the first lever is pulled the camera is behind the man, and you can see the three levers, the second shot is behind the levers. This is when camera trickery is used because in the first shot you can clearly see that there is no gap for a camera to fit, so they used a smaller camera, this gives a hint that the actions taken place were acted for the camera to state that this guys job is pulling levers. Also during the documentary you see an Arial shot of the trains, this would be impossible to do during the times in 1935, so they used a model train set, which is small scaled so they could get away with using an Arial shot.

When Louis met Jimmy, Is a short documentary where Louis Theroux met Jimmy Savile and attempts to to get behind the public persona. Louis Theroux uses voice overs, to create different opinions. I don't believe that this documentary is all truthful as some events were staged for the cameras.

Bowling for Columbine is an American Documentary on American crime rate for people killed by fire arms for a developed nation without a civil war. Activist filmmaker Micheal Moore try to find the roots on why this was happening. I don't feel that this is all authentic and truthful due to Micheal Moore using a couple of days to shoot one scene, but he keeps his clothing the same to trick the audience to seem that this was filmed in one day. And how he was given a gun in under an hour. He manipulates the audience to fit a certain agenda that he is trying to portray.

The Act of Killing is a film about the killers who have won, Although they did not admit to the killings, they had written their own history. In the film it journeys into of the perpetrators, and getting inside the heads of the mass murders.One particular scene that stood out for me was when Anwar, had to act as if he was getting killed, after the shot, he said he could not re-do the shoot, he finally understood what all the victims felt, and how he never wanted to feel that again. The director Joshua Oppenheimer has a slight presence but only his voice, he is never in front of the camera, during the film the speak to Joshua to ask his opinion but other than that he has no presence in the film.In the movie there are a few executive producers, but the two honored documentary filmmakers are Werner Herzog and Errol Morris.


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