Documentary 'mini-task'

A documentary is a television programme , that documents different aspects of reality. They use interviews to have factual reports on a subject or object. Some documentaries are used to reveal something that can be emotional to some viewers, which could leave them with a rhetorical question. There are five different forms of documentaries they are Interactive, expository, observational, reflexive and preformative. 

Interactive Documentary

This type of documentary involves the presence of the Film maker more. Instead of having a voice over, there is more interaction between the interviewees, the presenter and the audience. During most documentaries that are interactive, there are many arguments that are presented, and can change the views of many people. Louis Theroux has filmed himself and a family in America, on the protests of human rights and how 'God hates Fags'. 

In this interview Louis Theroux has a strong belief that he doesn't believe in god and that everybody should love who they wish, no matter what the sex, gender or race. The family that he visits are claimed to be the 'most hated family in America' because of the way they believe and they way they protest. In the documentary, Louis Theroux visits the family as they protest on the side of the road, agendas are discussed due to Theroux not believing in God and how he uses that as an excuse not to hold a sign. The family also protest at soldiers funerals, as they claim that bad things are happening because more people are supporting gays, and how gay is o.k, so soldiers are dying on that be half.  My example documentary fits in with Interactive Documentary's because, the filmmaker Louis Theroux, is interacting and is shown in the footage, he also tries to argue against their religion. 

Expository documentary

This type of documentary speaks directly to the viewer, mainly using voice overs and titles. They are mainly rhetorical and persuade the viewer with the problem they are explaining. 
My example for this type of documentary is The Blue Planet A BBC documentary. During the documentary, David Attenborough, voice overs the explanation of different problems and causes that happen in the ocean and how viewers can change the way these happen. This is a rhetorical documentary, that leaves the viewers questioning the statements and scenarios in the documentary and question whether or not they could change and help the blue planet. 

Observational Documentary
With this type of documentary, the filmmaker follows the subject or the object around to view the different events that they occur. Usually there are not many interviews and voice overs, long takes are used to show the follow of the subject or the object.

My example for this Documentary is based on MTV Cribs, where they check out celebrities and their homes, This documentary is on the Alli Show, which is a YouTube channel. This video is with the young celebrity skateboarder Ryan sheckler, as he shows you a tour of his house and his own private indoor skate park. This is classed as observational as it follows the celebrity around, the camera usually focuses on the wealthy items in and outside of the house. During this documentary, Interviews are not being taken but the subject explains the objects in his house as he is taking the film maker on the tour. At the very beginning of this clip the editing is very quick and shots are only one or two seconds long, this is used a lot when making observational documentaries, this is so that they can skip past the less interesting and focus on the important aspects. 

Reflexive Documentary
This style of documentary, is used to help the audience understand some what of the process in film so that they can develop a certain critical attitude. Usually in reflexive documentaries the film maker acknowledges their presence, and give some type of guidance towards the subject or object. These are usually about real life, therefore are the truth.

My example for this type of documentary is Driving me Crazy by Nick Broomfield, Where he documents behind the scenes of making a musical. This is a very good example it shows that Nick Broomfield is in front of the camera, and In one shot Nick Broom field is standing in the mirror with his camera crew, of only one extra guy to hold the mic. A large part of the documentary is about the making of the film rather than the footage that is being shot.

Preformative Documentary

Preformative shows the emotional and subjective side of a documentary. They aim to represent the world indirectly, they encourage the viewer to experience what the subject has gone through. 

My example is Tongued United (1989) which is about Marlon Riggs, and other gay black men as they celebrate black men loving black men as a revolutionary act. Marlon Riggs tells the story of his growing up. Some of the stories that are being told are upsetting and different to what the world is like now. It puts an impact on the viewer.

Overall I think that all the different techniques of making a documentary have a purpose to tell a truthful story, and by changing the way the documentary is made fits different target audiences. I strongly believe that the film-maker and the subject should have a stated contract that everything is stated is authentic and truthful and have a non-bias opinion on the given matter. So that the audience can believe its authentic. In most cases the film-maker is bias on a certain opinion and makes the audience believe that way too. Although this could be interesting for some of the audience watching its not always the truth.


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