Current practices in corporate video production

In this essay I will be defining the current practices in corporate video production this will be from copyright law to defamation and many others. Starting with copyright, UK law protects a number of work, such as films, logos, music, sound recordings and artistic work. Copyright is in place to protect an individuals work, its rewarding for an individual to know that the work they have made will continue to only be their work. Owning copyright allows an individual the freedom to publish, copy and reproduce the work, allowing to distribute publicly. " So when words are put on paper, or paint to a canvas, or sights to a videotape, digital camera or cellphone, or even when any of the above are stored in a computers memory - they're copyrighted". There is no reason to put a copyright notice on it, but it can be helpful to protect especially if the individual is sharing the work over social media.

Copyright is infringed when an individuals work is used without permission, it doesn't have to be used in a big scale to be caught. If any part of the work is being used without permission it is against the law. For music purposes you can use loyalty free music, this is music that individuals have made for a company to use for free, and that can be shared over social media and other media aspects. During Corporate video, music is a key aspect, it grabs the audiences attention and focuses them on the main aspect of the video, loyalty free music is mainly used during low budget corporate videos, this allows them to focus on the more expensive aspects of video making, Other corporate videos could use artists work and purchase the copyright so they can use the full length song. Purchasing the copyright can also mean that they can change aspects of the music, or other media text to suit their video more during the production stages if the original no longer works. A good example of a corporate video that has used music that is copyright free is a documentary Trett Films made called viking kapap promotional documentary.  This video has music from YouTube's royalty free music. YouTube's royalty free music, is connected with the YouTube website and has thousands of sound effects and music that anybody can use. Some songs will state that you will have to mention the song in the video or in the comments and some allow you to just use the music. 

Privacy is the second practice that I will be researching. The more private the information the more it will be a public interest. Privacy links in very well with corporate video production in the sense that, during the making of the video they will be filming in either people's homes and company buildings, If they do not have permission they could be taken to court depending on the circumstances. As mentioned early public interest can be taken very seriously, if a video maker finds certain private information for example information about their health or finance documents, the court could decide that a person has a reasonably form of privacy and the public interest in the story would out weigh the situation. 

Privacy during media production and especially corporate video production is extremely important when focusing on privacy and the intimacy of the information being broadcasted. During the process of speaking to clients for a corporate video, companies will include private details of the company to potential film clients, to define the primary brief. This information cannot be leaked, and if leaked could include court and other infringement. 



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