Reflection of DepicT short and pre-production process

During the process of pre-production i really enjoyed making a set plan of how the short film would be produced, this really helped during the filming and even the editing process, as i had a clearer understanding of how the film would be shot and edited. Not only did it give myself a clearer understanding it also helped my group as they could also look back at the plan and see if improvements could be made. Most of the pre-production i really enjoyed and i think my group worked extremely well together, but during the pre-production some paperwork was always changed due to things being corrected or adapted in someway. This became slightly confusing when going in depth into the pre-production and remembering that certain things were changed and why they were. 

After the pre-production was complete we started filming straight away, i really enjoyed the use camera work during the production and how well we worked as a team to make sure every shot looked as best as it could. Something i didn't quite enjoy was that as a group we had picked different locations to shoot different shots and finding the time to travel to the scene and have enough time to film there, and depending on the weather to go to each location. If i was to redo the production with the same idea i would think twice about the locations i had chosen and the time i had to complete the project, time management really played apart for this project and would be something i would change. 

During the whole process of pre-production and the filming process, i have realised how important the pre-production is. At the beginning i thought it would just be for the safety and for signatures from the actors, but i learnt that without the pre-production the filming process wouldn't run smoothly. The pre-production paperwork really helped understand the meaning of production all together. 


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