3 Minute Wonder Proposal

The idea I have, is to make a three minute documentary on the struggles of coming out. In the documentary I want to include people that have different sexuality, to give my audience a more depth answer on the struggles of coming out. 

My documentary is going to be leaning towards a performative format, this is when the emotional and subjective side is shown. It also encourages the viewer to experience what the subject has been through.

My primary target audience is young teenagers ranging from 13-18 year olds, I have chosen this age bracket, because a lot of people have different views on sexuality, and many 13-18 year olds, are struggling with this. The demographics for this documentary would be the unemployed, students and casual workers.  My secondary audience is a slightly older age range, from 25-40, the reason I have picked this age group is because they are the age to be parents, and when coming out you want a good family to support you. 

The aim of my documentary is to open up other peoples minds on the views of different sexualities and hoping that they will accept it more. Not only to open peoples minds but to help them, if they are struggling to come out then watching the documentary could help them seeing how much support is out there.

For this documentary I am aiming to film in a calming environment, for example a living room. if using my house then it will be a ten - fifteen minute walk. 

I am using a few members of my class to be in my documentary, to give different opinions on my questions, Callum Howard, is going to be helping with the filming and also the voice over.

The budget for this documentary is five pounds.

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